KEWPIE Gotong Royong 2022

On the 15th of August 2022, KEWPIE Malaysia held a company-wide (KL and Melaka) event to drive more collaborative efforts amongst employees. The gotong-royong (communal work) activity involved all of KEWPIE staff to work together in cleaning up a park in Melaka. 


More than 100 staff were involved in this initiative, and upon finishing the clean up, everyone were then led through a session to share, learn and gain deeper understanding of our company's corporate motto. 

Further on in the afternoon, as to reward all attendees to a fun day out, a bowling session was held to lighten up the mood and also to drive more participation amongst all employees. 



At the end of the day, the main purpose was to relate and be reminded of our corporate motto, which is the idea that people who have the same ambitions enjoy working together, endure struggles together and rejoice together, and by creating a more collaborative and highly engaging event such as this, not only did it achieve the purpoase, it has also formed a tighter and stronger team amongst the employees.