KEWPIE Malaysia Unleashes 'Green Goodness' in Collaboration with Partners during Eat Green Day Events

Positioned as a startup, KEWPIE's Eat Green Day stands out as a beacon of corporate social responsibility (CSR), functioning as a multifaceted platform for extensive social support and the promotion of healthy eating habits. Our aims are to cultivating a healthier lifestyle towards “eating green” for the community. In its initial stages, KEWPIE Malaysia launches the event in collaboration with Tokio Marine Life Malaysia, marking the beginning of this initiative.

As an integral component of this initiative, KEWPIE partner with Cotovia clinics to conduct a health talk entitled "Enhancing Health and Productivity," featuring Dr. Chan Huai Ling as the presenter. Attendees will acquire valuable insights into the impactful effects of salads paired with dressings, capable of improving health, elevating energy levels, and enhancing cognitive abilities. Furthermore, the session delivered essential information regarding the nutritional advantages and recommended nutrient intake for all participants.


Tokio Marine Life Malaysia employees can grasp the importance of prioritizing health, with the event highlighting delightful recipes for the participants. In line with KEWPIE's mission to promote healthy eating, participants were treated to a special nutritious salad, enhanced with KEWPIE Roasted Sesame, KEWPIE Roasted Sesame Yuzu Taste, and KEWPIE Black Vinegar Onion.

This successful gathering marks a significant step forward in promoting healthier meal choices, showcasing the importance of collaboration between KEWPIE Malaysia, wellness advocates, and medical professionals in promoting well-being. There's hopeful anticipation for the continuous development of the event, making further contributions to the promotion of a healthy lifestyle.